Anne Berry

Magic Shell

Anne Berry is an artist from Atlanta, Georgia. Her photographs investigate the animal world, the domain of childhood, and the terrain of the Southern wilderness. The memories, stories and settings of Berry’s Southern upbringing have influenced her work, infusing it with a darkly romantic and southern gothic feeling. In 2013 and 2014 Critical Mass included Berry’s work in their Top 50 Portfolios. She has had solo exhibitions at the Centre for Visual and Performing Arts in Newnan, GA, The Lamar Dodd Art Center in LAGrange, GA and The Rankin Arts Center in Columbus, GA. She has exhibited nationally and internationally, including The Fox Talbot Museum in Lacock, England, SCAN Tarragona in Spain, The Museum of Photographic Arts in San Diego, and the Ogden Museum of Southern Arts in New Orleans. Books include Through Glass (North Light Press, 2014), Primates (21st Editions, 2017), and Behind Glass, (2021). Berry’s work is featured in National Geographic Proof, Feature Shoot, Hufffington Post and Lens Culture, among others. Her work is in many permanent collections, including the National Gallery of Art.

Ode to Enchantment explores the beautiful trouble of childhood. The photographs are visual poems that stir emotions and transport viewers to a realm where animals talk and what we can see is less important than what we can not see. The dreamlike, often metaphorical, imagery invites viewers to rediscover their connection to what Wassily Kandinsky calls the “inner sound of  things.”